The enterprise culture of INHEMETER is gradually formed and improved in practice through a long-term accumulation and precipitation. It is based on the Chinese nation’s good quality of hard work and diligence, honesty and trustworthiness and takes the mainstream values of the core management team as main body and joint struggle of all employees as bond.

The enterprise culture of INHE is gradually formed and improved in practice through a long-term accumulation and precipitation. Based on virtues of toughness and diligence, honesty and trustworthiness in Chinese People, it takes the mainstream values of the core management team as main body and joint efforts of all employees as bond.

Mission: Become a World-leading Smart Power Distribution Solution Provider. 

Vision: Seeking common development, Sharing future achievement. 

Seeking common development -Be of one mind, go through hardship and overcome difficulties to forge ahead, take company development as the high priority.

Sharing future achievement -Reward staff, reward partner, reward society, the future is promising and make another splendid achievement!

Value:Be loyal to career, be supportive to customer, be respectful to each other, be active to innovation, be pragmatic and efficient to work.

The Meaning of INHE LOGO

The logo of INHE takes the letter ‘Y’  as the creative shape which is the first letter of company’s Chinese name ‘Yinhe’ , meaning and echoing galaxy in English. It has the meaning of different talents gathering in INHE and making good use of their advantages to make INHE brilliant, like stars shining in the vast Milky Way.

The logo as a whole is like a meter, which can easily impress people with industry attributes. There are five four-pointed stars in the logo. One of them is larger and is located to the right; the other four stars are smaller, arched to the left of the bigger star, and each has a corner point facing the center of the big star. Not only is the shape similar to the meter pointer and scale, the overall shape of the logo is closely related to the shape of the GalaxyGalaxy equal to INHE in Chinese.

The five stars in the logo represent the company’s five promoters, symbolizing the spirit of unity, forging ahead, endeavor, objectivity and innovation. Millions of stars congregate and twinkle in the vast blue Milky Way, same like every employee in INHE, they work together, develop their talents and show their personal charm and self-worth to make INHE brilliant.

The logo uses dark blue as the primary color and gold as the secondary color. Blue has the characteristic of profundity, representing technology and wisdom, implying INHE is a hi-tech company. The bright golden color symbolizes the excellent quality of the company's products and the bright future.

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